Relocating from FL to Logan, Utah and both of my daughters are looking for teams. '06 and '09 both have a lot of experience with rec as well as all-star ball. Both played 12u all-star together this spring and team record was 17-2. Ranked 1st in district, 5th in state. Plan was to advance to travel teams but couldn't because of job relocation. '06 daughter plays outfield, 2nd base and pitcher. '09 plays 2nd base. '06 daughter fastest on all-star team. '09 daughter fastest on 10u rec team. Please let me know if there's any tryouts for your team coming up in mid to late July. They both need to play year round. We're moving on July 11th. Thanks, Greg Smith.
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Hey Greg....have you found a team yet?
Are you looking for baseball teams because I have some good players of baseball who are of the same age. If you are still finding for best assignment writer uk then reply to my comment and also give me your contact number.
Greg, I would do my research on clubs in Logan before you commit to anything. i would go to practices and talk with the directors of these clubs. I would also find out where the coaches get their experience from. Some have never played softball one day. I would talk to parents of current players and find out the culture of the club before you commit to anything. I have worked with girls from, I believe all, 12u teams in Logan and i can share with you parent contact information if you would like. Please just do your research.