Utah Titans open tryout Wednesday, 8/7 - Looking for experienced & coachable girls to fill a couple spots including: outfield, pitcher, catcher
We are based out of South Jordan. We practice 2-3 times per week and will being playing league games + tournaments this fall. This is a great team if you are looking for a fun, hard working environment!
Kaitlin Latu 801-651-6849 kaitlinvlatu@gmail.com
Inoke Latu
Tryout Details
When: Wednesday 8/7, 6:00pm-7:30pm (arrive at 5:45pm to fill out quick player info; player or parent can fill out)
Where: Bingham High School, 2160 W South Jordan Pkwy South Jordan UT
(enter on 2200 W to get to back of school, behind baseball field and tennis courts)