***Information update***
This event will have guest instructor Tara Bendt, assistant coach at SLCC in attendance. Don’t miss out on this big event.
If athletes can bring $10 for facility rental it’d be appreciated.
Batbusters - Nelson will be holding an open practice for 2002,2003, and 2004 athletes to come join our team in an intense practice setting to evaluate team and coaches. Athlete will be evaluated by current team with possibility of invite for roster spots for the 2019 season and beyond. Team will also evaluate players for possible future guest play if things don't align. Batbusters organization is known nation wide and has one of the longest organizational histories. You can visit batbusters.org as well as our team FaceBook page Batbusters - Nelson and our YouTube channel Batbusters-Nelson. The team will be competing in local tournaments, college showcase events, national qualifier events, and potential national championship events. Please direct questions to Sven 435-730-7711. Date: December 29th
Time: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Place: Bear Center (Bear River High School 1450 S. Main Street Garland, Utah)